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Termination Services

30 Must-Read Tips Before You Start The Termination Process:

Reduce Termination Stress!

#2: Why you should always conduct terminations on a Monday
#7: The 14 words you should use to start the conversation
#12: A small, but kind, offer you should make in the meeting
#16: The all too common 4-word sentence you should never use
#30: The first thing you should do if things don’t go as planned

Strategic, Professional and Fair Termination

With over 20 years of experience in both the private and the public sectors, I have developed a proven method for completing the termination event.

In all terminations I have witnessed, I have realized that when you approach the event with empathy, fairness, and a prepared strategy, it always goes smoother. That is why I put together a tip sheet for how to properly handle a termination event – to help you make it the most positive experience possible for both employer and employee.


Termination Services

Hi, I'm Sara Tharakan.

I believe first and foremost that all human interaction starts with empathy, no matter what.

While this checklist focuses on strategic ways to approach an employee termination event. My real strength is helping organizations get the most out of their human capital. I do this by pulling over 20 years of experience in strategic planning, process improvement and leadership. I want to help you implement these best practices in your organization.

I'm Also Certified In

  • ADKAR Change Management program, Prosci Canada
  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Step I and II, Psychometrics Canada
  • Group (GSI), Life (LSI) and Culture Inventory (OCI), Human Synergystics Canada
  • Operations Leadership, Queens University
  • Executive Project Leadership, University of Alberta
  • Customer Service Leadership, Disney Institute
  • Brain-Based Coaching, Results Coaching Systems
  • Lominger Competency Model, Lominger International
  • Halogen Performace Management, Halogen Performance Management
  • Hay Compensation, Hay Group
  • Adult Trainer ~ Master Trainer Level, Langevin Learning Services
  • Return On Investment, ROI Institute
Termination Services