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Sara J Tharakan

Sara Tharakan is a Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP), speaker, executive coach and a certified master trainer. She excels at helping organizations achieve results by identifying root causes of their set backs and creating dynamic game plans.

She pulls from over 15 years experience in strategic planning, process improvement, and leadership development. Each engagement with Sara is fully customized to match the goals and objectives of the organization.

Sara is certified in:

  • ADKAR Change Management program, Prosci Canada
  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Step I and II, Psychometrics Canada
  • Group (GSI), Life (LSI) and Culture Inventory (OCI), Human Synergistics Canada
  • Operations Leadership, Queens University
  • Executive Project Leadership, University of Alberta
  • Customer Service and Leadership, Disney Institute
  • Brain-Based Coaching, Results Coaching Systems
  • Lominger Competency Model, Lominger International
  • Halogen Performance Management, Halogen Performance Management
  • Hay Compensation, HAY Group     
  • Adult Trainer ~ Master Trainer Level, Langevin Learning Services
  • Return on Investment, ROI Institute